Out & About
Giving back to Wilsonville
Out & About
Giving back to Wilsonville
We’ve adopted a section of road (Town Center Loop W) to pick up trash and keep Wilsonville looking Fabulous.
If you see us out there (hard to miss with the jumbo Pride flags) give us a honk or a wave!
We’d love for you to join us in the cleaning, we’ll provide all the materials, you just donate a couple hours of time. You’ll have fun and meet some members of the Wilsonville Pride community! Allies and Advocates welcome of course!
Saturday, May 3, 2025 from Noon to 3 pm
Piazza Viellebois
We’ll have a booth at this community gathering to celebrate the 30 year anniversary closing of the Dammasch State Hospital!
There will be speakers, food vendors, music and mental health resources/affliates & advocates!